I’m also the mom of an angelic 3-year-old boy and a curious 1.5-year-old toddler.
My own experience with sleep training my sons, as well as my comprehensive baby sleep coach training have empowered me to help other sleep-deprived parents to get their family the sleep they need. My friends and family all now know me as the Baby Sleep Coach as I’ve worked with many of them to help them find the best way to sleep train their own babies. And I’m confident I can do the same for you.
When my oldest was a baby, my days were spent overtired and overwhelmed. And you’ve guessed it, sleep deprivation was the culprit! I have been through the frustration of under-napped babies and nights of broken sleep. I know first-hand how detrimental it can be to the whole family, and on the mood in the home.
To try to get my son into some sort of sleeping pattern we could live with, I read lots and lots of books and did a ton of research on baby sleep. Armed with this knowledge I managed to sleep-train him myself.
Just when I thought I had it all figured out, at around 9/10 months he had a regression, and we found ourselves back at square one!
At that stage I had to admit I needed help, so I hired a baby sleep trainer to support me. With her help, within a very short time my son was sleeping soundly through the night again, and he has been a super sleeper ever since.
Then my second son arrived.
I thought this time around would be so much easier, but how wrong I was. Out came all the baby sleep training books again, but no matter what I tried, I struggled to get him to sleep. That’s when I figured out there is no ‘one solution that fits all babies’! After several weeks I finally figured out a completely different method, and got him to self-soothe and sleep through the night.

I believe that no parent should go through what our family went through. Everyone deserves a good night’s restorative sleep—every night. So I embarked on the journey to become a Certified Pediatric Gentle Sleep Coach®.